Hi! I'm Dawn and I'm super passionate about essential oils and their incredible health benefits. Are you or a family member struggling with a health ailment that you can't seem to get in control? Physical or Emotional? I completely understand! I've been there.Are you struggling with side effects caused by medicines that are intended to treat one thing, but then cause additional issues?Do you want to change your life and make a change for the better?Do you prefer to use natural options when possible? Sometimes traditional medicine is necessary, but personally, I prefer to try fixing the problem chemical free. Essential Oils are so powerful and work at the cellular level. They have the ability to support us in ways traditional medicine can't. I have heard over and over how an all natural product has helped someone who was struggling with a chronic ailment and has suddenly been given newfound vitality and freedom.When I discovered how well essential oils helped my son when he was struggling with a serious respiratory issue, I was ecstatic. None of the traditional medications we were trying were helping 100% and I didn't like the side effects they were causing. Essential Oils not only turned around his health, but they were a perfect compliment to our natural lifestyle in every aspect. We started use them for everything! I am now committed to sharing their health benefits with as many people as possible.